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    【2013-04-22】ZET6251 super-smooth,touch screen controller (SRAM) for small and middle size panel

    The new ZET6251 is suitable for low cost cell phone and tablet panel
    It is signatured by the fast 5-fingers report rat up to 150 Hz, much better than the slow 60Hz of competitors .
    The new developped driver-trace contol algorithm helps the low cost full-ITO panel performs as the normal high-cost panel. ZET6251 is the most cost-effiecient SRAM solution in the market.

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    【2013-10-09】ZET6231 great-noise immunity, touch screen conller for small and middle size panel

    The ZEITEC's new ZET6231 touch screen controller can be applied to the cell phone and tablet solution
    It provides the great noise immunity ability and up to 36 channel for the touch screen.
    With the internal trace-detection that helps the touch screen provider to detect the whether traces is open, short or minor short.
    The great noise immunity ability can helps your cell phone and tablet to match all the requirements of the most criticized customer.